Frequently Asked

  • 1. What is a chiropractor?

    A chiropractor is a healthcare professional that cares for a patient's neuromuscular system (bones, nerves, muscle, tendons, and ligaments). Their goal is to relieve pain and improve function. They don't prescribe drugs or surgery. They adjust or manipulate your spine and other body parts to get them in the right position or proper alignment.

  • 2.What is chiropractic care?

    Chiropractic care is a patient-centered, non-invasive, hands-on profession that is focused on the spine, joints, and nervous system. The theory is that proper alignment of the body’s musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine, will enable the body to heal itself without surgery or medication.

  • 3.What conditions do chiropractors treat?

    Chiropractic care can help with many conditions such as neck and back pain, sciatica, headaches, arthritic conditions, disc conditions, sleep issues, bad posture, sports injuries, accidents, work injuries, and the list goes on.

  • 4.How do I select a doctor of chiropractic?

    What to look for when choosing a chiropractor: Try to get referred by a family member, friend, or insurance company. Research the chiropractor’s credentials. Consider the chiropractor’s experience. Consider gender and who you might be most comfortable with. Evaluate their communication style. Read patient reviews. See how the doctor practices. See if they take your insurance or offer cash plans.

  • 5.Is chiropractic treatment safe?

    Chiropractic treatment is considered very safe when it's performed by someone trained and licensed to deliver chiropractic care.

  • 6.Does chiropractic treatment require a referral from an MD?

    Typically, chiropractic care does not require a referral from an MD. However, there are a few insurance companies out there that do. Always would be best to check with your insurance company on their requirements before booking your appointment.

  • 7.Is chiropractic treatment appropriate for children?

    Chiropractic care is one of the safest and least invasive forms of healthcare for children. Parents bring their children to us for a variety of reasons and are very happy with the results.

  • 8.Are chiropractors allowed to practice in hospitals or use medical outpatient facilities?

    There are chiropractors in hospitals and outpatient facilities across the U.S. It just depends on what states you are in and their laws.

  • 9.Do insurance plans cover chiropractic?

    Chiropractic care is covered under most health insurance plans. Some plans may have visit limits, dollar limits, or referral requirements. Always best to call your insurance agent and find that out. As well as, know what your deductible, copay, and co-insurance are.

  • 10.Is chiropractic care expensive?

    In general, chiropractic care is pretty reasonable. You can go through insurance or we offer cash plans for individuals or families. We always work with individuals and never turn anyone away.

  • 11.What type of education and training do chiropractors have?

    Chiropractors must earn a Doctorate of Chiropractic (D.C.) degree and a state license. Doctor of Chiropractic program typically takes 4 years to complete on top of their undergraduate degree.

  • 12.How is a chiropractic adjustment performed?

    The chiropractic adjustment is a procedure in which chiropractors use their hands or a small instrument to apply a controlled, and sudden force to a joint. The goal is to improve motion and improve your body’s overall physical function.

  • 13.Is chiropractic treatment ongoing?

    When you are just starting a new treatment plan it's common to have adjustments multiple times a week. As your body begins to heal those adjustments dropdown. When you get to where you are pain-free and simply wanting to maintain your lifestyle we move to a maintenance program.

  • 14.Why is there a popping sound when a joint is adjusted?

    The popping sound you may hear during a chiropractic adjustment is also known as joint cavitation. It is the result of tiny pockets of air and gas that have built up in the joints being released.

  • 15.Is chiropractic care a new concept?

    Manual healing methods can be traced back to ancient times. However, it was not until the late 19th century that chiropractic care began in the United States. Daniel David Palmer is widely credited with giving the first chiropractic adjustment in 1895.

  • 16.Can you receive chiropractic care during pregnancy?

    Chiropractic care is usually a safe and effective practice during pregnancy. Not only can routine chiropractic care help manage pain in your back, hips, and joints, it also can establish pelvic balance.

  • 17.Can my body become addicted to chiropractic adjustments?

    You cannot become addicted to chiropractic adjustments. Adjustments do not in any way weaken the spine that you require in the future. However, feeling good can be as powerful as an addiction that you want to continue getting adjusted to in the future.

  • 18.How do I know if I need chiropractic care?

    Many patients seek chiropractic care for a variety of issues. Such as chronic pain, fatigue, lack of energy, digestive problems, muscle aches, numbness and tingling, and the list goes on. Many patients were unsuccessful with their physicians, surgeons, physical therapists and want to seek other forms of care that they may benefit from. Always recommend a consultation first to see if chiropractic care can help them with their issues.

  • 19.Can I perform my own spinal adjustments?

    Since chiropractic adjustments are a specific force applied in a specific direction to a specific joint, it is impossible to effectively adjust one's own spine. Even if you pop your own neck and back, you're not fixing the problem, and you may be making it worse.

  • 20.Are chiropractic treatments painful?

    There is little to no pain involved after an adjustment. You may feel pops and cracks, but you should not feel any intense pain. Typically, if you weren't in pain prior to an adjustment, you shouldn't be after. Some patients do experience some mild soreness or minor aches after a visit.

  • 21.How many visits does it take to get better?

    How many visits do patients come in for depends on each individual and their issues? There are typically 3 different types of healthcare: urgent, rehabilitative, and maintenance. The number of visits will typically depend on what category you fall into. We work together with our patients to determine what treatment plan works best for their situation.

  • 22.What are some common treatments chiropractors use?

    We offer a variety of different treatments at our office. For adjustments, we use manual manipulation, a drop table, and a hand-held instrument called an activator. For soft tissue issues, we use electric-stim, ultrasound, traction, trigger point therapy, and stretching. We also have massage therapy and acupuncture if we need to add that into our patient's treatment plan.

  • 23.Can you get chiropractic adjustment after back surgery?

    One of the most helpful therapies used post-surgery is chiropractic care. Chiropractic adjustments help the body heal and relieve pain and discomfort in the body. Chiropractic care is safe for most patients who undergo surgery after they have been healed from the procedure and released from their surgeon’s care to return back to normal activities.

  • 24.Can chiropractors prescribe medication?

    Chiropractors cannot prescribe medication or perform surgery in the United States.

  • 25.Is getting a massage with ongoing chiropractic care a good idea?

    Chiropractic care and massage therapy work very well when used together. They help restore mobility, relieve pain, and improve overall health. These natural therapies extend each treatment’s health and wellness, benefiting patients in different ways.

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